
There have been much discussion revolving around the issue of____, It is advisable(明智的) for____to ____.

There are a tremendous(巨大的) number of reasons. First and Foremost,the major reason is that ____ is instrumental(构建) ____ success.

To elucidate helps up improve ability, solve problems with ,and  play an importance role. Furthermore,the second noteworthy(值得注意的) reason is that  enhances interpersonal relationship.

This is due to the fact that can allow you to better understand and can help you.

In a word,it is utterly(完全地) clear that ____ is indispensable(不可或缺的) to ____.

To sum up,in light of(根据) the aforesaid(前面提到的) factions. It is reasonable to reach the conclusion that ____ bring much benefits, and nowadays(现在) people should attach importance to ____.
In the contemporary(当今的) world ,主题 has become increasingly important, it is great necessity for someone to do something. The following are reasons and concrete evidence(具体证据) to support my view point.

In the first place ,there is no doubt that  we can't avoid challenge .Base in big data,most successful social elites(精英) admited that they have spent 2/3 of time in facing challenges .

Moreover ,no one can deny(否认) that challenge make us stronger. where are difficults ,there are oppertunities.

Last but not least, I  firmly believe that without the ability to meet the challenge,we can't make any achievements.The more problems you solve,the smarter you are. 

In conclusion, if we spare no effort to cultivate ability(如果我们不遗余力地培养能力),in the future of our study and career will be hopeful and rosy.(在未来的学习和职业生涯中,我们将充满希望和乐观。)

在当代(当今的) 世界主题 变得越来越重要,对某人来说做点什么是非常必要的。以下是原因和具体证据(具体证据) 以支持我的观点。
首先,毫无疑问,我们无法避免挑战。基于大数据,大多数成功的社会精英(精英) 承认他们花了2/3的时间来面对挑战。
此外,没有人可以否认(否认) 这一挑战使我们更加强大。哪里有困难,哪里就有机会。
